Barrow sprayers
[Spare parts]
Art. 044.C118 Cart form sprayer - Dora model with Comet MC 18 pump acid version single-phase electric engine
Art. 045.C118 Hose-reel cart sprayer Tevere Model with Comet MC 18 pump Viton diaphragms single-phase electric engine
Art. 046.C025 Hose-reel cart sprayer Elba model with Comet MC 25 pump B&S 550 petrol engine
Art. 049.C020 50 L Barrow-sprayer Leonardo model with Comet MC 20 pump FP 152 petrol engine
Art. 050.C025 80 L Barrow-sprayer Arno model with Comet MC 25 pump B&S 550 petrol engine
Art.052 H041 120 L Barrow-sprayer Rodano model pompe Comet APS 41 moteur thermique à essence Honda GP 160 2 pneus
Art.053 H041 L Barrow-sprayer Reno model pompe APS 41 Comet moteur thermique à essence Honda GP 160 2 pneus
Art. 56.C020 Motopompe ATM 20 Pompe Mc 20/20 Comet, pression 20 bars, débit 18,5 l/min 2 membranes moteur FP 152 à essence CC97 – protection bas niveau d’huile
Art. 057.C025 Pompe MC 25/20 Comet, pression 25 bars moteur B&S 550
Art. 57.B025 - Minipoly 2025 Bertolini pump 2 diaphragms with double body head in polypropylene and B&S 550 engine Maximum output of 24 l/min – pressure 20 bar Low-level oil protection
Art. 58.C040 Motor pump ATM 40 APS 41 Comet 3 diaphragms pump is connected to B&S 750 engine Maximum output of 38 l/min pressure 40 bar Low level oil protection
ART. 058.H041 MOTOPOMPA APS 41 Comet motore Honda GC 160
ART. 60.C118 ÉLECTROPOMPE ATM 20 Pompe Comet MC 20/20, pression 20 bars, débit 18,5 l/min, 2 membranes - moteur électrique monophaséART. 061.C120 ELETTROPOMPA ATM 20 Pompa Comet MC 20/20 motore monofase
ART. 062.B130 ELETTROPOMPA ATM 30 Pompa PA 330 con motore monofase
ART. ??? Carrello avvolgitubo
Barrow sprayer
Metal frame-industrially painted
80 l polyethylene tank – 2 pneumatic wheels
Assembled with suction filter and pressure control system allowing unused liquid to return to tank
For general or professional use - supplied fully-assembled
Trolley power sprayer on wheels - can be easily towed by operator
Art. 050.C020 with Comet MC 20 pump FP 152 petrol engine
Art. 050.B019 with Bertolini Strip pump in polypropylene FP 152 petrol engine
Art. 050.C025 with Comet MC 25 pump B&S 550 petrol engine
Art. 050.
Optional accessories: rubber hose, spray gun, hand wash tank
Made in Italy
Metal frame using specialist resistant materials
120 l polyethylene tank – 2 pneumatic wheels
Equipped with motor pump or electric pump
Assembled with suction filter and pressure control system allowing unused liquid to return to tank
For general or professional use – ideal for applying insecticides and herbicides
Supplied fully-assembled
Trolley power sprayer on wheels
Supplied with either two handles or tow bar for lawn or garden tractors
(qui manca traduzione Art.052 H041 120)
Optional accessories: rubber hose, spray gun, hand wash tank
Made in Italy
Trolley power sprayer on wheels
Metal frame using specialist resistant materials
200 l polyethylene tank hand wash tank
Available with two or four pneumatic wheels
Equipped with motor pump or electric pump
Assembled with suction filter and pressure controls system allowing unused liquid to return to tank
Professional use – ideal for applying insecticides and herbicides
Supplied fully-assembled
Supplied with either two handles or tow bar for garden tractors
Made in Italy
Optional accessories: rubber hose, spray gun
500-l polyethylene tank and hand-wash tank incorporate
Metal frame using specialist resistant materials
100 m hose reel
Base for easy lifting positioning
Art. 034.C025 Comet pump MC 25 and Briggs & Stratton engine XR 550
Art. 034.B025 Bertolini pump Minipoly 2025 & Briggs and Stratton engine XR 550
Art. 034.C041 Comet pump APS 41 and Briggs & Stratton engine XR 750
Art. 034.H041 Comet pump APS 41 and Honda engine GP 160
CE certificate